
New Certified and New Classified Training:  August 23rd 

WSD is excited to welcome all our new certified teachers and new classified staff to our district! All new certified and classified invited to attend the 7:30 AM - 3:15 PM training where they will learn about the district, new certified staff will receive the CEL 5D + Framework training, and new classified staff will receive  Fundamental Course of Study training. 

WSD District Directed – Tri Days:  August 24th - August 26th 

WSD is also excited to spend August 24th through the 27th with our staff and faculty, WSD will be hosting an array of engaging learning experiences for all of our staff. 

During the WSD Tri-Days WSD Staff will cover learn about topics such as SPED Legalities & Referrals, SSOCC: School Safety Operation and Coordination Center, STEAM: science, technology, engineering and math, New Curriculum: WHS Science and WJH Math, and Cultural competency, equity, and inclusion through the SEL Training and participating in the WEL Team Bus tour. 

WSD Staff Benefits and Resource Fair:  August 27th

WSD would like to invite all staff and faculty to the annual benefits and resource fair. This year it will be at the WJH Gym from  10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Lunch will be provided at the WSD Football Field starting 11:30 AM. WSD will also be announcing Years of Service Awards during lunch.