District Health

The District Health team is in charge of providing the health and safety of students and staff.

  • See students who are injured or ill- provide emergency care when needed

  • Provide medications to those students who have medications prescribed to them

  • Assisting Health and Education planning for students with Special Needs

  • Providing Hearing, Vision, and Dental screening in cooperation with a local clinic

  • Keep track of Immunization and ensure standard immunizations are met

  • Provide training to staff on medical needs to the students

    • CPR

    • 1st Aid Training

  • Maintain medical supplies and student medical records including individualized health care plans

  • Advise the district on medically related Policies and Procedures

  • Communicate with doctors on student health needs

  • Provide education and training to students related to their health needs


District Nurse

Jeannie Gallacci, BSN, RN

509.932.4477 ext. 3585

Migrant Medical Assistant

Wendy Preciado

509.932.5693 ext. 3252

Please contact us at healthteam@wahluke.net if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Student Accident Flow Chart

Student Accident Form

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