Happy Monday Wahluke Parents!
Weekly updates will always include WSD's weekly agenda, special announcements and reminders as well important upcoming dates.
WSD Procedures/Protocols for COVID-19 and Hybrid Learning:
• COVID-19 District Information Portal
• COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures
• COVID-19 Safety Protocol Videos
2021-2022 School Year Calendar: The WSD School Board approved the 2021-2022 School Year Calendar during the April 13th Board meeting. This calendar was created in collaboration with WSD WEA members, HR Department and Superintendent Harlow. Check it out here.
Hybrid Schedule Changes: WSD will transition from the current hybrid learning model to having on-campus instruction 5-days per week starting Monday, May 3rd. Students K-12 will continue to be in their assigned AM and PM cohorts for the rest of the school year. Mattawa Pre-School Students will transition to their normal schedule Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM on May 4th. Visit our website here for more important dates to note.
Vaccine Clinic on Campus: Our WSD Nurse’s are working with Mattawa Community Clinic to host a vaccination clinic. The clinic will be open for 16+ year old students and also offer it to parents. 16+ students, and under 18 will have to bring the parents for consent. Check out our website story here for more information.
Happy Mother's Day 💐 To all the WSD Mothers and Mother figures. Thank you for being a source of strength, guidance, happiness, and inspiration to your families every day.
Weekly Agenda
Monday, May 10th:
Hybrid Learning: K-12th Grade Students will attend school in their AM/PM cohort.
Meal Distribution: 11 AM - 4 PM at the Mattawa Elementary Cafeteria. Check out the May Menu here
Pre-School and Kindergarten Registration: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
WSD Sports:
- WJH Boys Soccer: 7th Grade 4:00 Pm @ Warden Depart at 2:00 PM
- WJH Boys Soccer: 8th Grade 5:15 Pm @ Warden Depart at 2:00 PM
Tuesday, May 11th:
Hybrid Learning: K-12th Grade Students will attend school in their AM/PM cohort.
WSD School Board Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM in person and Via Zoom. Link here.
Vaccine Clinic: Day 1 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM at the WHS Commons for Parent and Student 16 and older.
Free Food Boxes: Available Tuesday, May 11th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Please bring your mask and follow the road traffic guidelines. Pick-up will be at the Wahluke High School and Wahluke Junior High bus loop.
WSD Sports:
- Track and Field Girls/Boys 4:00 PM 7th/8th Grade Away @ College Place High School Stadium Departure 1:00 PM
- Baseball Boys 4:00 PM 7th/8th Away @ John Sager Middle School Departure 1:00 PM
- Softball Girls 4:00 PM 8th Grade Away @ John Sager Middle School Departure 1:00 PM
- Soccer Boys 5:00 PM Junior Varsity Away @ Cascade High School Departure 2:00 PM
- Soccer Boys 7:00 PM Varsity Away @ Cascade High School Departure 2:00 PM
- Softball Girls 3:00 PM Varsity Home Royal High School Senior Night 🥎
- Softball Girls 5:00 PM Varsity Home Royal High School 🥎
Wednesday, May 12th:
Hybrid Learning: K-12th Grade Students will attend school in their AM/PM cohort.
School Nurse Day: Huge THANK YOU to Dan Fox and Carrie Harris for all that you do, WSD is thankful to have you on our team.
Wahluke Junior High Parent Night
WSD Sports:
- Soccer Boys 4:00 PM 7th Grade Away @ McFarland Middle School (Scootney Elementary) Departure 2:00 PM
- Soccer Boys 5:15 PM 8th Grade Away @ McFarland Middle School (Scootney Elementary) Departure 2:00 PM
- Softball Girls 4:00 PM 7th Grade Home Columbia Burbank Middle School
- Softball Girls 5:30 PM 8th Grade Home Columbia Burbank Middle School
Thursday, May 13th:
Hybrid Learning: K-12th Grade Students will attend school in their AM/PM cohort.
Wahluke Equity and Leadership Team: Meeting 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Vaccine Clinic: Day 2 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM at the WHS Commons for Parent and Student 16 and older.
WSD Sports:
- Tennis Girls 3:00 PM Varsity Away @ Cashmere High School (Regionals) Departure 12:15 PM
- Tennis Boys 3:00 PM Varsity Away @ Cashmere High School (Regionals) Departure 12:15 PM
- Soccer Boys 4:00 PM 7th Grade Away @ John Sager Middle School Departure 1:00 PM
- Soccer Boys 5:15 PM 8th Grade Away @ John Sager Middle School Departure 1:00 PM
- Baseball Boys 4:00 PM 7th/8th Home McFarland Middle School
Friday, May 14th:
Hybrid Learning: K-12th Grade Students will attend school in their AM/PM cohort.
Vaccine Clinic: Day 3 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM at the WHS Commons for Parent and Student 16 and older.
WSD Sports:
- Track and Field Girls 12:00 PM Junior Varsity Away @ Wenatchee High School (multiple schools) Departure 9:30 AM
- Track and Field Boys 12:00 PM Junior Varsity Away @ Wenatchee High School (multiple schools) Departure 9:30 AM
WSD Sports: Saturday, May 15
- Tennis Girls 10:00 AM Varsity Away @ Quincy High School (Championships) Departure 8:00 AM
- Tennis Boys 10:00 AM Varsity Away @ Quincy High School (Championships) Departure 8:00 AM
- Soccer Boys 11:00 AM Varsity Away @ Bridgeport High School Departure 7:30 AM
- Baseball Boys 11:00 AM Varsity Away @ Alimira Coulee Hartline High School Departure 8:15 AM
- Track and Field Girls 1:00 PM Varsity Away @ Eastmont High School (multiple schools) Departure 11:30 AM
- Track and Field Boys 1:00 PM Varsity Away @ Eastmont High School (multiple schools) Departure 11:30 AM
PEBT Cards:
The second round of P-EBT benefits are being loaded to eligible children’s cards and benefit amounts are dependent on the majority learning model of each child’s school for February and March.Upload #1:
The final batch of cards were mailed April 30, 2021.
Cards take 7–10 business day to arrive.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Thanks all of you for your patience as issue benefits for over 500,000 WA students.
Upload #2:
DSHS sent a Notice of Action to families eligible for Upload #2.
It is possible families have received the Notice of Action for Upload #1 and Upload #2 and have not received their P-EBT card.
Added February and March benefits to cards issued in Upload #1.
Sent new cards to eligible students that were missed in Upload #1.
For those students with an address change in Upload #2 – if the original card had not been Pinned, a new card was issued (the original card was canceled). Unfortunately, we have identified issues with the pinned report – this resulted in some cards being canceled in error. We continue to investigate this issue, but replacement cards have already been issued. No benefits will be lost.
Many of you are reporting a large volume of calls. The P-EBT call center is also experiencing a large call volume and is adding resources to help reduce hold times. We believe this is due to a “perfect storm” with the final cards being issued from Upload #1 and address changes from Upload #2.
Thank you for your ongoing patience. For more information visit: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/pandemic-ebt-p-ebt
Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund - 2nd Application: Last week to apply to the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund. Read the brochure attached to this publication for more information. Visit the website: www.immigrantreliefwa.org
Or call the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund (WAISN) Hotline at 1-844-724-3737 (open 6 AM to 9 PM daily). Before calling, gather the necessary documents to verify identity and residency. Interpreters are available in many languages to help you over the phone.
The second application due date is May 15.
Month Overview
District Calendar
Upcoming Dates:
May 10th: Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
May 11th: Free Food Box Distribution
May 11th: Vaccine Clinic Day 1
May 12: School Nurse Day
May 13th: Vaccine Clinic Day 2
May 14th: Vaccine Clinic Day 3
May 19: WSD Salmon Release Event (in person in the DA park - time TBD)
May 27: Community Coalition Meeting at 3:00 PM (virtual webinar)
May 27: Plática Educativa Familiar - Family Educational Talk at 6:00 PM (virtual LIVE on FB)
May 28 - Asynchronous Day: 7:30-10:45 Building Directed
May 17th: Early Release: 1-3PM
May 17th: Winter Sports Start
May 31st: No School - Memorial Day
June 18th: WHS Graduation - 6:00pm