The Wahluke School District has worked rigorously creating a plan to transition from Distance Learning to Hybrid Learning. It was our intent to resume hybrid learning for our Kinder - 2nd-grade students on November 17 and 8th-12th grade students on December 1st. After working with the School Board, Administrators and teachers we have decided to push the start of Hybrid back until after Thanksgiving Break. The revised dates are below:
Transition Dates:
- TUE, DEC 1: K-2 transitions from Distance to Hybrid Learning
- TUE, DEC 8: 3-12 transitions from Distance to Hybrid Learning
- Students will be placed into an “AM” or “PM” cohorts and attend school on campus 4-days per week.
- Student Asynchronous Day
- All staff are required to be on campus unless directed otherwise by their supervisors
7:30-7:45am ______________ Teacher Time
7:45-8:00am ______________Student Drop-off “AM” Cohort
8:00-10:30am ______________“AM” Cohort
10:30-10:45am ______________ “AM” Transition
10:45-11:30am ______________ Teacher Prep
11:30-12:00pm ______________ Teacher Lunch
12:00-12:15pm ______________ Student Drop-off “PM” Cohort
12:15-2:45pm ______________ “PM” Cohort
2:45-3:00pm ______________ “PM” Transition
3:00-3:15pm ______________ Teacher Time
School Cancellations due to Inclement Conditions (tentative):
- During COVID, we’ll transition to Distance Learning rather than cancelling school
- WSD will hope to make this call by 5:00pm the previous day
Fall Conferences (tentative):
- Conferences will be more than a weekly student/parent check-in, but would obviously look different than our regular Fall/Spring conferences.
- Conference would not be confined to the normal 3-day period and could be completed over the next several weeks, but must be finished by Thanksgiving Break.
Conference topics:
- Students Academic Progress (iReady, MAP, progress reports, etc.)
- Social Emotional update
- Transition to Hybrid
There are many logistics that have to be considered and addressed to safely return all students to our buildings. Logistics include, but are not limited to maintaining social distancing, transportation, cohort grouping, and student schedules. While we continue to consider COVID-19 an extremely serious matter, we also believe it is an even greater Health Crisis to have our students remaining at home vs. coming to school every day.
We thank WSD families, students and staff for continuing to have patience while we develop plans to transition students from Distance Learning to Hybrid Learning. Please visit our website and stay connected on Parent Square to continuing to be in the know with the most current update. More information will be shared about Hybrid Learning and WSD Virtual Academy option on our Warrior Chat: Elementary edition on November 12th at 6:00 PM LIVE via the WSD Facebook Page.