Based on guidance from Grant County's Health District (GCHD) and Washington State Department of Health Wahluke School District will continue to implement a system-wide COVID-19 health attestation.
WSD has switched the process to the required system-wide COVID-19 health attestation form, and the district will be using Skyward to accomplish Staff Health daily attestations.
We ask that you take this health screening form before coming into campus. IF your supervisor contacts you to come into the district to work, please follow the screening protocol: TO CHECK YOUR TEMPERATURE PRIOR TO ARRIVAL.
If you have a fever of (100.4F), STAY HOME.
**Thermometers are available if you don't already have one, please contact your supervisor.**
Where to find Skyaward Helth Attestation Form:
Sign in to Skyward:
Under the Employee Access option, you will find "Wellness Screening" following by the date.
Printable Attestation (Health Screening) Forms for Staff and Guest
Daily WSD COVID-19 Check-in Form
Face Coverings
Everyone in each of our Wahluke School District buildings will be required to wear face coverings. WSD will provide two masks to each student and staff member prior to returning to school– one to wear and one to wash. Wearing cloth face coverings helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and is required for staff and students. See the Washington State Department of Health Guidance on Cloth Face Coverings and CDC Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings for more information. All students, volunteers, or guests must wear cloth face coverings at school when indoors.
o For staff, cloth facial coverings must be worn by every individual not working alone at the location unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under Department of Labor & Industries safety and health rules and guidance. Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details. Examples of staff wearing additional levels of protection would be nurses when working with staff or students exhibiting symptoms or staff working with certain student populations.
o Exemptions** to the cloth face coverings requirement may be available for:
▪ Those with a disability that prevents them from comfortably wearing or removing a face covering.
▪ Those with certain respiratory conditions or trouble breathing.
▪ Those who are deaf or hard of hearing and use facial and mouth movements as part of communication.
▪ Those advised by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional that wearing a face covering may pose a risk to that person.
**These exemptions will be determined by the building principal, in consultation with the school nurse. These exemptions will be need to be approved by the Grant County Health District the Region 7 COVID-19 Face Mask/Cloth Face Covering Waiver Request Form will need to be submitted. Region 7 COVID-19 FaceMask/Cloth Face Covering Waiver Request Form
Face Masks | Students and staff must wear masks at all times (excluding times when they are eating/drinking) while in the building. This includes when students are not present. Masks should fit snugly and cover both the nose and mouth. Gators/Bandanas will not be allowed per GCHD guidance.
NO NO YES YES YES Wearing a mask all day is new to us, so there will be times that masks slip down, we forget to pull them back up after eating, drinking, etc. It is our collective responsibility to support each other to properly wear masks. |